MSA Curriculum
Morning Star Academy curriculum implements the cutting edge learning models. The 21st Century learning models that would help students to live as true human beings and to excel in life are chosen as the main engine of the school.
MSA Values
From this educational heart, the MSA curriculum employs the 21st Century Experiential Learning and the 21st Century Digital Learning. The Hands-on and Meaningful experiences must take center stage in the students’ academic learning experience, for those experiences would be the best capital for their learning. The combination of both experiential and digital experience would equip and prepare students to become holistic people that are so needed in this 21st Century. In every educative experience that is translated into the MSA learning activities, the fourfold values of Fides-Bonitas-Pulchritas is the foundational nucleus and goal.
The new MSA curriculum will not educate our students to become robots or to compete with robots and AI, because it is designed to educate humans to be true humans who shall live their best life on earth as the image of God with the highest morality, contributing positively to the world, and being creative and innovative in their work for the betterment of humanity. We are commited to the best education there is.
Kindergarten – Montessori
In Kindergarten (K2 up to K5) we implement a Christ Centered Curriculum seamlessly combined with Montessori.
This goes hand in hand with our aspiration to employ the 21st Century Experiential Learning and the 21st Century Digital Learning. The hands-on and meaningful experiences must take center stage in the students’ academic learning experience, since those experiences would be the best capital for their learning.
We aspire to build the students with the core values we desire by having various curricula seamlessly integrated:
– American Curriculum for English Reading and Grammar
– Singapore Curriculum for Math and Science
– MSA self-compiled material for Bible, Social Studies, and Bahasa Indonesia classes
– Music Plus’s curriculum for Music classes
Employing a structured and sound pedagogy, accompanied with hands-on and collaborative activities, it allows students to learn well and develop skills necessary for problem-solving. Through progressive approaches based upon what students have learnt previously before introducing the same topic in greater depth, students are able to bridge the learning between the different concepts learnt and transit with ease.
With the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach, teachers can employ this ubiquitous teaching strategy embedded in the series to guide students to construct meaning and understanding so as to uncover abstract mathematical concepts. Starting with an anchor task, teachers can follow up with providing scaffolding and feedback to help students develop fluency to transit between the various stages, gain confidence and become proficient in operating within a symbolic environment.
English Reading & Grammar
Thie series teaches biblical principles and discernment for daily living, builds skills needed for lifelong learning, and fosters enjoyment and appreciation for reading and learning.
For the 4th graders and above, their classes cover the following but not limited to: semibreve, time signature, fingering and hand position, musical alphabets, and chords.
Social Studies
Bible Studies
Activities are designed so that students will then be able to tell others about Jesus. Included are Bible verses recitation and class discussions on various themes.
Students are also invited to examine the lives of others that God chose and used to bear witness of His goodness and faithfulness. Some people discussed here are: Abraham, David, Paul, John, in addition to some others, like Noah, Ruth, Hannah, Jonah, and Peter.
In our life, God works throughout people He has chosen and who are willing to do the work He set for them. Today, God can also develop students’ talents and use them to bring glory and honor to His Kingdom.
Bahasa Indonesia
Activities for students include composing stories, making reports, analyzing and summarizing, and reviewing all material to better prepare them for the coming National Exam.