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MSA Flourishing Programme

Since each of us is unique, Morning Star Academy Surabaya has a program aiming to develop each child’s happiness or well-being by developing their character strengths, soul and mind.

MSA Flourishing Programme aims to develop each child’s happiness or well being by developing their character strengths, soul and mind. The program’s paramount calling is for each child to develop their self identity, their strengths and transforming their weaknesses as opportunities. Above all the program is committed to strengthen child’s spiritual life and be a light to their family and to others.

According to the “founding father” of flourishing, Dr. Martin Seligman, flourishing is the result of paying careful attention to building and maintaining the five aspects of the PERMA model.

The PERMA model is a model Seligman developed to explain what contributes to a sense of flourishing. The five factors in this model are:

• Positive emotions
• Engagement
• Relationships
• Meaning
• Accomplishments (Seligman, 2011)

MSA Flourishing Programme

There are three pillars of MSA Flourishing Model are Biblical, Positive Psychology and Multiple Intelligences. These serves as the roots that creates a safe learning environment where each child can learn and thrive. Each child is a seed that we believe naturally good and created with love, MSA nurtures each child holistically. Our paramount commitment is to develop a child with strong christian character, robust 21st Century Skills and competitive academic prowess. MSA believes that our world is a huge laboratory of learning and education must help the child to prepare for the future.

Thus, MSA taps the church, the community and the business sectors to give the child opportunities to manipulate actual life in different sectors. Our partnered business establishments brings in our learners for actual job-a-like based on the designed curriculum founded to child’s interests. MSA guide and help for the family to become an authentic – christian values formation center for their children. MSA redesigned its curriculum to include the 21st century skills, making each child responsive and equip to the challenges of the future


Individualized Learning Plan



Morning Star

MSA is affiliated with American Montessori Society to further bolster our programs and commitment to raise and equip students with both hard and soft skills needed to thrive.

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