Individualized Learning Plan
An Individualized Flourishing Plan (IFP) provides each child with a holistic roadmap to support his/her well-being.
An individualized Flourishing Plan (IFP) provides each student a holistic roadmap to support his well-being. Developed in partnership with the student’s family, teachers, school management and community partners. The IFP utilized child’s strengths and interests to enhance the required skills and turns their weaknesses to learning opportunities. Typically, lead by the Flourishing Coach, the IFP team creates a unique plan for each child, designed to organize and properly sequence the child’s coursework while articulating his or her academic strengths, challenges, 21st century skills and above all their character. The IFP establishes a strategy to help the child identify their strengths, utilize and apply them and use these to make the right choices in life and determine their calling or reason of existence.
A crucial element is our personalized
approach to child’s education:
Holistic Assessment
We use leading evaluation methods to assess their strengths such as Dr. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Holland’s Hexagon, Dr. Martin Seligman’s positive psychology tools.
Target Setting
We help the child develop realistic targets based on their existing performance level and needs thru target setting.
Business sector and community involvement
We look and contact business and various community sectors to become a center for students actual onsite learning. Business and community partners help us recreate and reinvent the curriculum to suit students needs and levels.
Family’s Role and Strategies
We help the family realized their roles and set up strategies on how to become authentic school partner to develop their child’s strengths.